Jumlah Shutter count diatas 50 ribu Bagi kalian yang sangat menyukai dunia fotografi, tentu kalian akan banyak menggunakan kamera untuk memotret. Apalagi jika kamera digunakan setiap hari atau setiap minggu, maka shutter count akan habis dan menyebabkan layar menjadi vignet. Mirrorless cameras are all the rage these days. While it started with Sony, Olympus, Panasonic and Fuji, Canon and Nikon finally joined the game in late 2018. But with its popularity, there is still some confusion about the bones of a mirrorless camera. Namely, whether or not things like shutter count actually matters on mirrorless. What is the Maximum Shutter Count Rating for My Camera? It vary widely by model. Obviously, canon's professional models last much longer than entry-level model. 5D Mark II 's shutter assures trouble-free operation over its 150,000-cycle. Canon 450D (Canon EOS Rebel XSi) 's shutter life is about 50,000 actuations. Check DLSR shutter count and EXIF info (Max file size 30M) Shutter Count info exist in most Nikon, Pantax DLSR and Canon 1D series DSLR. Nikon's NEF, Pentax's DNG and PEF, Canon's CR2 raw file format are supported. To upload a photo file, click on the button below. Drag-and-drop is supported in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi browser.
Mengetahui jumlah �Shutter Count� kamera dan batas maximal shutter count kamera DSLR sangatlah penting bagi Anda yang mempunyai kamera digital karena dengan mengetahui berapa �Shutter Count� dari kamera Anda maka Anda akan mengetahui pula umur dari kamera anda tersebut.
Shutter count adalah jumlah total berapa kali shutter dikamera Anda telah di pencet sehingga menghasilkan satu foto. Melihat jumlah shutter count sangat berguna saat kita akan membeli kamera bekas. Paling tidak kita telah meminimalkan resiko karena kita jadi memiliki ancang-ancang sampai kapankah kamera bekas yang akan dibeli bisa bekerja dengan baik, sehingga saat kita bisa menawar harga kamera bekas dengan lebih teliti.
Cara melihat jumlah shutter count pada kamera Nikon, atau melihat shutter count pada Canon EOS atau merek kamera lainnya pada dasarnya caranya sama. Akan tetapi maksimal jumlah shutter count setiap vendor kamera, baik itu Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Fuji, Pentax dan lain menerapkan teknologi dimana �Shutter Count� atau jumlah jepret kamera mempunyai ambang batas. Ada batasan yang berbeda berapa kali shutternya itu bisa buka dan tutup lagi berulang-ulang sebelum shutternya itu berhenti bekerja.
Pengaruh jika shutter count kamera sudah di atas expected lifetime sesuai design pabriknya, kemungkinan cukup besar shutternya akan berhenti bekerja atau kamera sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi sebelum mengganti shutter boxnya.
Ada 2 cara untuk mengetahui jumal shutter count kamera diantaranya secara online dan offline dengan menggunakan foto terakhir yang dihasilkan dari kamera yang ingin di cek jumlahnya. Berikut ini tips mengetahui berapa shutter count kamera kita.
Cara Melihat Shutter Count Kamera
1. EXIF Viewer Online (http://regex.info/exif.cgi)
Melihat jumlah shutter count dengan EXIF viewer ini gratis, gampang dan mudah. Hanya dengan upload foto terakhir yang dihasilkan dari kamera yang ingin kita lihat jumlah shutter countnya sudah mendapatkan data exif yang komplet.
2. Software Exif Viewer
Dengan download program exif viewer kita bisa menggunakannya untuk melihat data exif termasuk jumlah shutter count pada kamera. Berikut ini beberapa Program/Software Exif Viewer yang bisa Anda coba gunakan:
- EOS Info : program untuk mengetahui jumlah shutter count kamera Canon (EOS) dan hanya untuk windows. (http://astrojargon.net/EOSInfo.aspx)
- Opanda Exif viewer : program khusus exif viewer untuk Windows. (http://opanda.com/en/iexif/)
- iExifer : aplikasi untuk melihat data exif foto dan jumlah shutter count yang bekerja di OS-X (Mac) (http://www.cocoawithchurros.com/iexifer.php)
- irfanview: http://www.irfanview.com/
- myshuttercount (http://www.myshuttercount.com/ )
Dan berikut ini expected lifetime/batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Nikon, Canon dan Olympus. Tapi ini semua hanya hasil test dari produsen. Jadi kebenarannya tergantung banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi, kadang bisa lebih, kadang bisa kurang.
Batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Canon:
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS / 1000D – 100,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel T1i / 500D – 100,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi / 450D – 100,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi / 400D – 50,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT / 350D – 50,000
- Canon EOS 50D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 40D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 30D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 20D – 50,000
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II – 150,000
- Canon EOS 5D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 1D Mark III – 300,000
- Canon EOS 1D Mark II N – 200,000
- Canon EOS 1DS Mark III – 300,000
- Canon EOS 1DS Mark II – 200,000
Batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Nikon :
Nikon D40
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 13,057.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 106,250.9
Nikon D40X
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 12,741.9
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 16,075.7
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 41,674.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 18,599.0
Nikon D60
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 9,644.9
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 8,625.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 38,452.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 51,807.2
Ciri Shutter Count Habis
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,040.6
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 76,415.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 16,002.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 22,861.5
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 74,082.7
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 146,533.2
Nikon D300
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 162,997.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 62,002.3
Batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Olympus :
Olympus E-300
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 18,302.8
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 12,666.7
Bila Shutter Count Habis
Olympus E-330
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 14,060.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 15,209.0
Olympus E-510
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 11,416.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 10,700.0
Olympus E-500
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 37,104.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 4,107.7
Olympus E-520
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 36,000.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: no data
Standart jumlah maksimal shutter count kamera DSLR yang baik adalah mencapai shutter count sekitar 100 ribu (ada juga yang sampai 200ribu), jadi secara total kita bisa menghasilkan 100 ribu foto dari satu kamera SLR tanpa kamera mengalami kerusakan mekanis.
- Canon Nikon SonyShutter CountFree the Shutter Count Number of your Canon EOS DSLR,
Nikon, Sony cameras
An easy way to know the Shutter Count number of your Canon EOS, Nikon, Sony cameras Know exactly how many shutter actuations your cameras have
BUSINESS PLAN OUTLINE Use the following outline to summarize your business planning decisions. Title each section of your written plan as indicated in the outline. Write, in your own words. Answers to the questions listed. Each question can be the start of a new paragraph. If a question does not apply, explain why it does not apply. Business proposal outline examples. A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You'll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. It's a way to think through the key elements of your business. Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. A Microsoft business plan template can help get you started. Business plan templates offer step-by-step instructions and prefabricated slides for your executive summary, company overview, financial plan, and more. You'll even find a business plan template for specific industries including business plan templates in Word for healthcare.
How to Know The Number of Shots a DSLR Camera Has Taken? Establish the value of a used camera. You want to purchase a used Canon Camera? check first the shutter count to establish its value
What is the Maximum Shutter Count Rating for My Camera?
It vary widely by model. Obviously, canon's professional models last much longer than entry-level model. 5D Mark II 's shutter assures trouble-free operation over its 150,000-cycle.
Shutter count adalah jumlah total berapa kali shutter dikamera Anda telah di pencet sehingga menghasilkan satu foto. Melihat jumlah shutter count sangat berguna saat kita akan membeli kamera bekas. Paling tidak kita telah meminimalkan resiko karena kita jadi memiliki ancang-ancang sampai kapankah kamera bekas yang akan dibeli bisa bekerja dengan baik, sehingga saat kita bisa menawar harga kamera bekas dengan lebih teliti.
Cara melihat jumlah shutter count pada kamera Nikon, atau melihat shutter count pada Canon EOS atau merek kamera lainnya pada dasarnya caranya sama. Akan tetapi maksimal jumlah shutter count setiap vendor kamera, baik itu Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Fuji, Pentax dan lain menerapkan teknologi dimana �Shutter Count� atau jumlah jepret kamera mempunyai ambang batas. Ada batasan yang berbeda berapa kali shutternya itu bisa buka dan tutup lagi berulang-ulang sebelum shutternya itu berhenti bekerja.
Pengaruh jika shutter count kamera sudah di atas expected lifetime sesuai design pabriknya, kemungkinan cukup besar shutternya akan berhenti bekerja atau kamera sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi sebelum mengganti shutter boxnya.
Ada 2 cara untuk mengetahui jumal shutter count kamera diantaranya secara online dan offline dengan menggunakan foto terakhir yang dihasilkan dari kamera yang ingin di cek jumlahnya. Berikut ini tips mengetahui berapa shutter count kamera kita.
Cara Melihat Shutter Count Kamera
1. EXIF Viewer Online (http://regex.info/exif.cgi)
Melihat jumlah shutter count dengan EXIF viewer ini gratis, gampang dan mudah. Hanya dengan upload foto terakhir yang dihasilkan dari kamera yang ingin kita lihat jumlah shutter countnya sudah mendapatkan data exif yang komplet.
2. Software Exif Viewer
Dengan download program exif viewer kita bisa menggunakannya untuk melihat data exif termasuk jumlah shutter count pada kamera. Berikut ini beberapa Program/Software Exif Viewer yang bisa Anda coba gunakan:
- EOS Info : program untuk mengetahui jumlah shutter count kamera Canon (EOS) dan hanya untuk windows. (http://astrojargon.net/EOSInfo.aspx)
- Opanda Exif viewer : program khusus exif viewer untuk Windows. (http://opanda.com/en/iexif/)
- iExifer : aplikasi untuk melihat data exif foto dan jumlah shutter count yang bekerja di OS-X (Mac) (http://www.cocoawithchurros.com/iexifer.php)
- irfanview: http://www.irfanview.com/
- myshuttercount (http://www.myshuttercount.com/ )
Dan berikut ini expected lifetime/batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Nikon, Canon dan Olympus. Tapi ini semua hanya hasil test dari produsen. Jadi kebenarannya tergantung banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi, kadang bisa lebih, kadang bisa kurang.
Batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Canon:
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS / 1000D – 100,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel T1i / 500D – 100,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi / 450D – 100,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi / 400D – 50,000
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT / 350D – 50,000
- Canon EOS 50D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 40D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 30D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 20D – 50,000
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II – 150,000
- Canon EOS 5D – 100,000
- Canon EOS 1D Mark III – 300,000
- Canon EOS 1D Mark II N – 200,000
- Canon EOS 1DS Mark III – 300,000
- Canon EOS 1DS Mark II – 200,000
Batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Nikon :
Nikon D40
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 13,057.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 106,250.9
Nikon D40X
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 12,741.9
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 16,075.7
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 41,674.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 18,599.0
Nikon D60
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 9,644.9
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 8,625.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 38,452.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 51,807.2
Ciri Shutter Count Habis
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,040.6
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 76,415.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 16,002.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 22,861.5
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 74,082.7
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 146,533.2
Nikon D300
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 162,997.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 62,002.3
Batas Maksimal Shutter Count Kamera Olympus :
Olympus E-300
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 18,302.8
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 12,666.7
Bila Shutter Count Habis
Olympus E-330
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 14,060.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 15,209.0
Olympus E-510
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 11,416.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 10,700.0
Olympus E-500
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 37,104.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 4,107.7
Olympus E-520
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 36,000.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: no data
Standart jumlah maksimal shutter count kamera DSLR yang baik adalah mencapai shutter count sekitar 100 ribu (ada juga yang sampai 200ribu), jadi secara total kita bisa menghasilkan 100 ribu foto dari satu kamera SLR tanpa kamera mengalami kerusakan mekanis.
- Canon Nikon SonyShutter CountFree the Shutter Count Number of your Canon EOS DSLR,
Nikon, Sony cameras
An easy way to know the Shutter Count number of your Canon EOS, Nikon, Sony cameras Know exactly how many shutter actuations your cameras have
BUSINESS PLAN OUTLINE Use the following outline to summarize your business planning decisions. Title each section of your written plan as indicated in the outline. Write, in your own words. Answers to the questions listed. Each question can be the start of a new paragraph. If a question does not apply, explain why it does not apply. Business proposal outline examples. A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You'll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. It's a way to think through the key elements of your business. Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. A Microsoft business plan template can help get you started. Business plan templates offer step-by-step instructions and prefabricated slides for your executive summary, company overview, financial plan, and more. You'll even find a business plan template for specific industries including business plan templates in Word for healthcare.
How to Know The Number of Shots a DSLR Camera Has Taken? Establish the value of a used camera. You want to purchase a used Canon Camera? check first the shutter count to establish its value
What is the Maximum Shutter Count Rating for My Camera?
It vary widely by model. Obviously, canon's professional models last much longer than entry-level model. 5D Mark II 's shutter assures trouble-free operation over its 150,000-cycle.
Canon 450D (Canon EOS Rebel XSi) 's shutter life is about 50,000 actuations. But it's not an exact match, it can failed at 25.000 or continue to working great after 100.000 actuations. It's just an average.
Is my camera compatible with Free Shutter Count
Tanda Shutter Count Habis
Free Shutter Count works with any Canon DSLR camera, but some models might be incompatible due to firmware restrictions.
Free Shutter count is not dependant of the numbering system of your sdcard. Free Shutter count try to reveal the real shutter actuation number stored in the firmware of your camera. If you notice that Free Shutter Count is incompatible with your camera, please contact us and help us improve compatibility.
Compatible Models
1D C, 1D X, 1D MARK III, 1D Mark IV, 7D Mark II, 7D, 5D Mark III, 5D Mark II, 6D, 70D, 60D, 50D, 40D, 700D (Rebel T5i), 650D (Rebel T4i), 600D (Rebel T3i), 550D (Rebel T2i), 500D (Rebel T1i), 450D (Rebel XSi), 100D (Rebel SL1), 1300D (Rebel T6), 1200D (Rebel T5), 1100D (Rebel T3), 1000D (Rebel XS)..
D3/D3s/D3x, D40/D40x, D4/D4s, D5, D50, D60, D70/D70s, D80, D90, D200, D300/D300s, D500, D600, D610, D700, D750, D800/D800E, D810/D850, D3000, D3100, D3200, D3300, D3400, D5000, D5100, D5200, D5300, D5500/D5600, D7000/D7100/D7200/D7500..
a9, a7r2, a72, a7s2, a7r, a7s, a7, a6500, a6300, a6000, a5100, a5000, a99II, a77II, NEX-7, NEX-6, NEX-5T, NEX-5R, NEX-5N/NEX-5, NEX-3/NEX-3N, A77M2/A77, A65, A58, A57, A550, A55, A37, A330, A290..